One Night/All Night – By Justice

Gaspard Augé and Xavier de Rosnay, the dynamic duo behind Justice, shared their creative vision for “One Night/All Night” and “Generator” in a press release for Rolling Stone. Here’s a glimpse into their thought process:

“We wanted ‘One Night/All Night’ to feel like a dark, techno version of Justice discovered a disco sample by Kevin Parker. Kevin has this incredible knack for crafting melodies that are both simple and unique. The song swings between pure electronic beats and pure disco vibes, but you never really hear both at the same time. This concept of instantly switching genres within a single track is a theme throughout the whole record, and it’s most evident in ‘One Night/All Night.’

For ‘Generator,’ they aimed for a sound reminiscent of ‘Getaway’ by the Salsoul Orchestra, but infused with gabber and classic ’90s hardcore techno elements. Disco, funk, and electronic music have always been the backbone of Justice’s music. In Hyperdrama, these genres coexist, but not peacefully—they vie for attention in a way that creates an exciting musical tension.”

Interestingly, for “One Night/All Night,” Justice incorporated a melody from one of my tracks called “Jeremy – Go With The Flow.” You can listen to the original track here.

Explore the innovative sounds of “One Night/All Night” and witness the genre-bending magic Justice and Tame Impala bring to the table.

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